Tuesday 3 May 2022

It's Been a While

 Hello everybody.

It's been a whie since I posted, not since the Painting Challenge ended. I've not painted anything since them, some degree of burn out. I had a good challenge and painted a fabulous Lizardman army, amongst other stuff.

I've not stopped though, new job, holiday and lack of mojo have all combined. But I have played a couple of games

Pendraken opened their shop and Stig and I went along to run a 7YW demonstration. As usual the Austrians struggled to advance and the Prussians got up close and personal. The shop is great and I recommend you pop along if you can.

Next up I went over to play WW2 in Stig's shed - it's a lovely shed. We used rapid fire and it's a fun game. It was a close run thing until my army ran away!

I did do a little painting though. I've bought massive Polish and Ottoman armies, Winged Hussars and all that. 

3 bases of Polish Pancerni

Nice figures but not feeling the love at the moment

I now have a 2nd project in prep, a dwarf army to fight my lizardmen. I have some very old dwarfs, 35 years old original citadel types. These are to complete the units, obviously these are much bigger than the old school ones

I have 2 weekends of gaming coming up, a massive 10mm ACW game at the old guard and a back of beyond game the weekend after at Matt's. Promise I'll write them up


  1. It has been a while. Good to see you back.

  2. Great to see you again on the blog Martin. I was wondering when the Poles would appear. Looking good even if the mojo's not with you yet.

    1. Ta, I can hear the mojo getting louder but not quite yet

  3. Great to see a news from you sir!
    Best regards

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I'm looking forward to seeing the Old Skool, dwarves. I so regret selling mine off years ago!

    1. I had more but left them in an attic during a house more. Probably worth enough to buy a car now

  6. Good to see some gaming….I fear a trip to Pendraken shop will only mean one thing ! More lead

    1. Good to do gaming. Playing ACW using altar of freedom rules, corps scale gaming. Will let you know how it plays. Alwwys need more lead
