Friday, 14 October 2022

Things to Buy when you can't go to Partizan

 So this weekend was The Other Partizan and Dave and I we due represent the Old Guard to put on a large Vietnam table with all our collections out and loads of action. We had been frantically finishing off bits. A review of the show layout put us near to the front door and quite close to another Old Guard club. I didn't know there was another Old Guard and they have been running for 40 years. A breif geography and history explanation later and we have done the honourable thing and changed the club name to the North Riding Wargames Club. I'm not from Yorkshire, thankfully for all concerned, and don't really understand what a Riding is or was.

So we are ready to go and I trap a nerve in my shoulder a couple of days before. If you have done it yourself, you have my understanding, if you haven't well it hurts like a Melon Farmer. I have effectively been bedridden for over a week now. I can walk about but after 10 minutes it hurts and I can't sit down. So no going to Partizan for me. I was gutted.

Ian from the NRWC stepped in to take my hotel room and Dave and he went down with 1/2 the collection. Dave kept sending me photos of the night before and I was both annoyed and pleased.

Speaking Dave with week he said he was amazingly busy and didn't have time to go shopping. Everyone loved the game. his report is here  and the "official" video is here (we are at 21 mins in).

So what do you do when you are stuck at home with loads of unspent money. I went online shopping for all the things I wanted to buy there

So this is the stash. Starting at top middle and working clockwise we have

1. 02hundred rules. There is a loophole in the purchasing of these. You can buy the rules as a pdf but can't get the cards or markers. This is an error. I wrote to Grey for Game and they gave me a discount of the cost of the pdf from the hard copy.
2.  3 figures from MrLees. Kyle has closed down the store so I picked up a couple of figs from the sale and 1 i'd wanted to buy since they opened. Time for some posh painting
3. Atrizan design commandos for 02 hundred
4. Tiger miniatures WW1 Turkish Cavalry. Cos my Turkish army isn't big enough - well it is but you know.
5. Foundry German Sentries for 02hundred.
6.Warbases buildings and bases for 02hundred. Plus their cool pre-printed ponds

Dave also dropped off my small ColBill order that he picked up from Partizan. WW1 Turkish Officers, Australian Light Horse officer, couple of boars and some African warriors. All to complete some armies.

Hope you are all well and see you at Battleground next month


  1. Retail therapy works! Hope it helps with the pinched nerve.

  2. Hello Martin,

    I can remember the brief name debate that was had on the group's Facebook page, after it was created with the name choice due to Steve requiring a name to use for the page. I can remember Stuart putting forward 'The (something) Witan' but can't remember the other contenders, apart from the original whatever-we-were-knowing-the-meets-as at the original Tunstall village hall venue.

    Anyway, there's, at least, a couple of Old Guard / The Old Guard clubs in England. The Kent club being the more notable on the show scene from what I've seen and been told. Not that this matters now due to the renaming.

    However, if you're now the North Riding Wargames Club, does this mean you encompass all of the following North Riding clubs/groups? I know this is a 'Devil's Advocate' -type of question but it could be something you'll be asked about if you put on games at shows under the North Riding banner. [some of the below have been in existence for decades]

    Brompton Bankers

    Catterick Garrison Wargames Club

    Harrogate Wargames Club

    Harrogate and Ripon District Wargamers

    Middlesbrough Gamers Club

    Redcar Ironbeards Wargames Club

    Redcar Raiders Wargames Club

    Scarborough Games Society

    York Garrison Wargaming Club

    York Wargames Society [YWS - Vapnartak Show]

    - there's probably more groups but, it's difficult to know which are still in existence or open to public membership.


    1. that's a big list. I have the advantage of coming from Newcastle and not being on the naming committee, or any other committee. Hope you are well

  3. Sad you missed the show but you still managed some shopping ! Vietnam game looked great even with only half the figures. Need to check out the Tiger miniatures for Russian types ? Looked for El Cid figures but they only had the dregs let and not very inspiring. For interest a Riding is the Viking name for a geographical bit of what is now Yorkshire, which is why they are only in the NE where the Danes held sway. Hope you are on the mend and we’ll sort a date in November👍

    1. I was gutted to have missed you. Pity abou the El Cid fig, they look awesome on the website. Tiger Minis not the best, but the only Turkish Cav I could find. Didn't know about the Riding thing. I'm still in bed but getting better

  4. Sorry to hear about the trapped nerve - I've had them a few times in the past so I know the pain they cause. Retail therapy might not help physically, but will certainly have improved the mood! :)

    1. I now know loads of people who have had them, all tell the same story. It now at the bloody annoying stage.went shopping at 4am today
