Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Sacrificing Students to Odin

I've get bloody freshers flu, still. It's just a horrible cold that has lasted 3 weeks given to me by 1 of 40,000 students that arrived from all over the planet at the start of term. I've threatened to sacrifice the culprit to Odin if I don't get better, If I can't find them then it's whoever comes bottom in the next test. I think that's fair.
Also my bath is broken and there is no localised shutoff for the tap so I have to turn it off at the stop cock which will create hell with the heating supply. Showers don't cut it when you have a cold.
Rant over.
I have managed to do some more painting in my dilapidated state. A couple of Hasslefree figures for frostgrave

an out of focus apprentice

A big buxom warrior, think we dated once

There are also a couple of zombie fighters from Northstar and studio miniatures

This guy is obviously deranged and thinks he's Robin Hood with a catapult that fires explosive arrows and dustbin lid shield

He started out as a Yakusa thug but is now a surfer

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